In the early 2000s, EPSI initiated a digital transformation when it transferred its sixty recruitment-related psychometric tests from a paper-based system to a custom-designed online platform. Since then, the ground-breaking platform has grown to include many other innovative tools that offer a full range of services for HR departments. However, for want of internal resources, some of the tools on the platform were starting to become technologically obsolete. EPSI was increasingly dissatisfied with the pace at which new functionalities were released. Unfortunately, swiftly staffing up its IT team to address this problem was not a viable option, given the tight job market in the tech industry.

The Background
Founded in 1995, EPSI is an innovative Canadian company known for its expertise in human resources. The company provides a wide variety of consulting services, software tools and training options to address challenges related to candidate assessment, recruitment, employee performance and retention, and organizational development. With its forward-looking products and range of solutions, EPSI has had success nationally and internationally among top-ranked companies that seek to grow by leveraging the full potential of their human capital.
The Solution
EPSI turned to Spiria to swiftly modernize its infrastructure’s aging components, while adding new functionalities and improving its user interfaces. To ensure the project’s success, EPSI and Spiria’s teams collaborated to develop a task list, set priorities and define a detailed road map.
Concurrently, Spiria’s experts worked to ensure they understood the often complex business rules that underpin the company’s software platform. Weekly meetings with EPSI during development gave each team member a crystal-clear view of the functionalities on the docket. The combined team’s outstanding synergy led to the achievement of all tasks according to plan, on schedule and without a hitch.
The Services
- Application modernization
- User experience design (UX)
- User Interface design (UI)
- Custom web application development
- Quality assurance

The Results
With Spiria’s help, EPSI gained in speed and efficiency, and stoppered its technological debt. Existing frameworks were updated, resulting in a more productive and scalable platform, and many functional improvements were incorporated to better meet the needs of EPSI’s clients. New automation processes have decreased by nearly 40% the time spent on each project by staff, which, relieved of mundane tasks, can now turn to strategic goals focused on the company’s growth. Now that EPSI has greater flexibility and continuous access to a diversified portfolio of expertise in Spiria, it can confidently take on new technological projects.
After optimizing our platform’s performance, we saw some impressive gains in efficiency. Our performance is faster and more reactive, which puts us in a position to take on larger projects.