After seven years of research and development, and millions of dollars of investments, the first eSight Eyewear prototype was released in 2013. Since then, this Canadian company has worked to upgrade the technology of its medical device in order to produce a viable product able to handle a wide variety of visual impairments. eSight hoped to launch a full-fledged product by the end of 2020, but it lacked in-house resources and knowledge about developing for Android devices. eSight called on Spiria to help it achieve its goal of delivering, within its original timeframe, a revolutionary tool that will have a positive impact on the lives of countless people across the world.

The Background
Founded by electrical engineer Conrad Lewis, who wanted to help his two legally blind sisters see, eSight has become the leading sight enhancement platform led by a team entirely dedicated to improve the day-to-day lives of visually impaired persons.
The Solution
Spiria collaborated with eSight’s team for over a year to help it reach its ambitious goal. Our experts developed the mobile application for Android, as well as six of the twelve main Java modules for the headset software. We also helped to define the architecture and the requirements for the iOS application. Spiria shared its expertise in production methodology and in the use of Atlassian’s Jira platform in order to make eSight’s development processes more agile and efficient. Finally, our quality assurance team contributed its know-how to the mobile application and to the headset software to ensure that the final product would meet all quality standards.
The Services
- Development of a mobile application
- Development of Java modules
- Development strategy
- Implementation of Agile process and Jira platform
- Quality assurance
The Results
With Spiria’s help, eSight was able to deliver its product according to its original schedule, without compromising on features or quality. Now, countless people are able to enjoy better vision and lead fully active lives. eSight’s new assistance device is the most advanced and versatile commercially available product for persons with severe visual impairment. A typical wearer has best corrected visual acuity of 20/60 to 20/800 caused by over 20 different serious eye conditions including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and Stargardt’s disease. Wearing eSight, many achieve 20/20.
As Spiria masters the processes, strategies and organisational practices necessary to take on large-scale projects, eSight enjoyed not just Spiria’s custom development services, but also its senior consultants’ advice on project management, agile development and quality assurance, to enhance their own development methodology and become more efficient. Based in Toronto, eSight also appreciated dealing with a local team and being able to collaborate in person as necessary.
Spiria played a critical role, not only augmenting our team with high talent experts but offering consultation on a variety of topics. Their breadth and depth are an asset to any technology innovator who partners with them.”