Visit our Gatineau office in 3D!

Something old, something new
A major step in Spiria’s growth over the last few years has been the acquisition and outfitting of our Gatineau office. Since it was going to be home to a superstar team of developers, designers, and experts in user experience, we knew it had to be really special.
As the building is in fact the historic St James church, the structure is artistically and architecturally impressive. What’s more, the church is rooted in the community’s history and traditions. To turn it into Spiria’s Gatineau home, we used clean, modern lines and cool industrial touches, harnessing the church’s naturally sun-lit spaces to enhance the office’s open-concept design.
Matterport 3D imaging
But don’t take our word for it. Thanks to Matterport, you can see for yourself, wherever you are. Matterport’s 3D imaging and photography captured our space, which you can tour as if in Google “streetview”, or view as a “dollhouse” 3D floorplan. The mix of stained-glass windows and stonework with our open-plan workspaces, glass partitions and custom furnishings reflects Spiria’s own blend of tradition and innovation: a fusion of experience, industry knowledge, and face-to-face interaction, supported by leading-edge technology and development.
Living Room
An office is more than just a physical space. A company’s workspace should be a living, breathing part of its culture, creating a favorable environment to support its values, goals, and philosophy. At Spiria, we work as a team, and we take inspiration from the people around us. Moreover, our company culture recognizes that the nature of work is changing: gone are the days of cubicles, water cooler breaks, and the 9-to-5 workday. Our office needed to reflect that shift, and to create an environment amenable to all kinds of working styles and needs. With modern workstations and a variety of meeting spaces, the Gatineau office lets people choose the space that’s right for them.
Culture and community
Finally, we recognized that offices aren’t just for work anymore, and that not all work requires sitting at a desk. Our rec room is the perfect space to let ideas percolate or to get creative juices flowing with a little activity – whether jamming on our piano, crushing the competition at a round of foosball, tucking into a great lunch in our kitchen, or hosting a social event. Community is a big part of our culture, and we wanted to honour that part of our organization – the part that strives to meet the needs of its employees and take into account those of its clients.
Which means that Matterport’s super-cool imagery of our space actually misses the most important thing about it. We hope you’ll come visit us in person to see the transformation of this beautiful building into a leading-edge workspace, and to meet the people whose hard work and bright ideas light it up from the inside every day.
Visit our Gatineau office in 3D :