Looking to integrate AI solutions into your systems?
I’ve been reflecting on the nine years I’ve been at Spiria, and this past one has been a source of pride. Our Culture and Talents team shines with accomplishments that include setting up policies, processes, and initiatives that make our teams’…
Andreea, a human resources professional working at Spiria, shares 4 essential tips for preserving your mental health when working from home:
You’ve sent us your resume, and we contacted you to set up an initial interview. What happens next? Laurence explains everything, starting with your first conversation with Spiria.
For many companies, pay transparency often remains a sensitive issue and an opaque aspect of operations. Spiria, however, opted for full transparency, which was harder to implement than it seems. There’s more to it than simply releasing a detailed…
In honor of International Women’s Day, we gathered women employees at Spiria for a virtual round table to hear them talk about women in the field of digital technology, on how far we have come, what remains to be done, and what inspires them on any…
Since the announcement of the Montreal office’s move to the awesome Fabrik8 building, the question on everyone’s lips is How will we mesh telework and in-office work? Let’s see if we can unpack the new telecommuting policy.
You sent us your resume and it inspires us? Lidiia explains what happens next, including Spiria’s first call.
When you finally get that coveted interview, you want to set yourself up for success. It’s best to prepare, so you can demonstrate your fit with Spiria and its values. Here are a few simple tips to help you focus and prepare.
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