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While cPanel offers a Git Version Control feature, I have always preferred to have full control via a terminal window. It is actually very simple to integrate Git on such a server and this article describes the steps.
There’s no denying that the Internet is essential for communication, work, and entertainment. Access to cyberspace has become an essential right, and with this come colossal efforts to make the world wide web accessible to all to accomplish an…
Using ProcessWire, you can easily create a dynamic search with very little code. This search can’t compete with engines such as Elasticsearch or Solr, of course. However, it is suitable for most “showcase” sites. Here’s how we did it on Spiria’s…
Coming to grips with a programming universe always takes time. The available ProcessWire documentation, while excellent, doesn’t yield a complete picture of a site’s structure. As I have been asked to explain the philosophy and behaviour of the CMS…
One of the best practices in programming is to separate the container from the content (data). This is based on the principle that if we need to change a data item, this will prevent touching the representation of that item and, vice versa: if we…
Routing is an important part of the navigation logic of a website. Programmers who work in frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony have to code it manually, unlike in ProcessWire, where the dynamics surrounding URLs are built up as templates, which…
Slow Time … It's well-known that there are time thresholds that affect how we perceive work and affect our flow. If a task takes too long to do, we put it aside or drift to something else. For example, in a recent internal project, we were using AWS…
The swagger / OpenApi documentation standard provides an easy way to help developers use your REST API. Python offers multiple modules to help you generate the swagger doc, and though they already make your life easier, there is always room to make…
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