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Design News, October 2017

October 6, 2017.

Each month, Michel Karam and Spiria’s UX/UI design team share their findings.

Atlassian revamps its image

Atlassian revamps its image

Atlassian, the company behind Bitbucket, Jira and Confluences, has rebranded itself in a way that will not go unnoticed by software development companies like Spiria.

Brand New, “Atlass Unshrugged.”


“Narcissist” UI copy

“Narcissist” UI copy

This article calls into question common writing trends applied to user interfaces. The author even describes some of the writing as egotistical or downright narcissistic.

Uxdesign.cc, Jason Fox, “When Copy Loves Itself Too Much.”


Free graphics!


On Stockio, you will find free photos, icons, vector images and fonts.



Tony Fadell talks design


Tony Fadell, the father of the iPod revolution, explains his vision of the “first secret of great design” in a TED talk.

YouTube, “The first secret of great design | Tony Fadell.”


M2M and “motion design”

M2M and “motion design”

M2MBlue’s Web site makes a restrained yet effective use of motion design. The site’s simple structure and plain, direct messaging is energized with minimalistic animation.



B2C or B2B?

B2C sites vs. B2B sites

In this very interesting article, Page Laubheimer, of Nielsen Norman Group, discusses the finer points of selling products and services on B2C sites vs. B2B sites.

Nielsen Norman Group, “B2B vs. B2C Websites: Key UX Differences.”