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With Yono, you know when you’re fertile

May 29, 2019.



Yono. © Yono Labs.

Pregnancy can be a chancy business, as all women – and their partners – know. Ruling out pregnancy is now possible, but falling pregnant is still not guaranteed, to the dismay of many hopeful moms. Now, they have another device in their arsenal: the Yono earbud. This wearable (or “hearable”, since it’s worn in the ear) monitors a woman’s body temperature and other signals all night long. The data is then cleaned up using an algorithm and big data to more accurately predict her fertile days. Vanessa Xi, founder and CEO of Yono Labs, explains that her product came about through “personal painful experience.” The Yono is already on the market: Xi says her team released a beta version for testing in 2017 and has been steadily improving the device since then.

IEEE Spectrum, “A wearable that helps women get / not get pregnant.”