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T-Pod autonomous truck

July 4, 2017.



T-Pod prototype. © Einride.

Swedish trucking company Einride unveiled its T-Pod prototype, a cabless truck that will revolutionize the driverless transportation of goods. The 7-metre truck can carry 15 standard pallets over 200km between charges, operating fully autonomously on highways and by remote-control from a control centre on city streets. By 2020, the company expects to have 200 T-Pods operating on highway E6 between Göteborg and Helsingborg, in Sweden, hauling 2 million pallets of goods per year. Einride’s potential savings are of a financial and environmental order: trucking alone accounts for one-quarter of all GHG emissions (in North America).

TechCrunch, “This quirky autonomous pod wants to change the way we haul freight.”