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Sphero Bolt

September 11, 2018.

Sphero Bolt.

Sphero Bolt. © Sphero.

Sphero unveiled the Bolt, its new and improved version of the spherical educational robot Spark+ from 2016. Its trademark see-through shell displays several innovations, like an 8x8 LED diode matrix making a screen that can display a smiling emoticon when a task is successfully completed. The Bolt also has four infrared sensors to communicate and interact with other Bolts within 5 metres, as well as an improved battery providing two hours of heavy use before recharging. Like its predecessor, this rolling robot is controlled through the SpheroEDU mobile application, and is designed to introduce kids to robotics and programing. The Bolt is now available on Sphero’s Web site for US$150, and should soon be available in stores.

Mashable, “Sphero Bolt review: An insanely fun educational toy that teaches you to code.”