Shortage of Raspberry Pi boards
Raspberry Pi 4. © Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Given the chronic problems with the components supply chain, the Raspberry Pi Foundation is struggling to meet demand, and it’s not about to get any better. Though 400,000 Pi boards are manufactured each month, only a small number of them make their way to retailers. Eben Upton, Raspberry Pi’s founder, says that most are earmarked for corporate clients who rely on Pi boards to run their operations. In other words, you and I come last, and we get the crumbs.
If you’re looking to buy a Raspberry Pi, the rpilocator table is a worthwhile resource as it shows which leading Pi retailers around the world are stocking which models. It’s a bit of shame that an affordable and educational device geared towards hackers, beginners and young people is getting gobbled up by commercial clients.
⇨ Ars Technica, Andrew Cunningham, “Still can’t buy a Raspberry Pi board? Things aren’t getting better any time soon.”