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Qoobo, the pettable robot

October 5, 2017.


Qoobo. © Yukai Engineering.

Do you like petting a soft, furry pet? Does it relax and calm you? Would you like to enjoy all the benefits of a pet, without the stoop-and-scoop or litter cleaning? Or maybe you’re allergic? Well, technology has come to the rescue with Qoobo, a robotic cushion with a large, bushy tail that realistically wags when you pet it. Its designer, Yukai Engineering, touts its powers against stress and anxiety: “Every day of healing starts with tail therapy” (しっぽセラピーで、癒やしのある毎日がはじまります). The cat substitute will come in two colours, “Husky grey” or “French brown”, for US$100. But, since it’s being crowdfunded, you’ll have to wait until June 2018 to get your hands on your own furball. Qoobo will come with a USB-rechargeable battery, giving it an 8-hour autonomous lifespan. The placement of the USB port hadn’t been definitively decided on the prototypes, but we have a suggestion that seems natural to us.

Endgadget, “Sometimes, all you need in life is a cat tail cushion.”