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PS5 surprise overhaul

September 7, 2022.

PlayStation 5.

PlayStation 5. © iStock.

With no warning, Sony rolled out a new PlayStation 5. Though the looks and functionality of the new PS5 are identical to the previous version, YouTuber Austin Evans discovered that things are different under the hood. Sony engineers have completely overhauled the hardware design. The motherboard is much smaller, the cooling is improved, and even the SSD’s enclosure has changed. Sony has pulled this trick before: last year, it switched the heatsink for a smaller model, shedding 270 g. The new model weighs in at 3,815 g or one pound less than the original model. Evans says this new PS5 model uses about 20 to 30 watts less during gaming. But one thing hasn’t shrunk: the price. Sony recently announced price hikes in several sales territories.

YouTube, “The new PS5 is BETTER 😬

The Verge, Tom Warren, “Sony’s new PS5 has been totally redesigned inside and uses less power.”
