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A mirror that looks back at you

August 3, 2018.

Naked 3D Scanner.

Naked 3D Scanner. © Naked Labs.

The Naked 3D Scanner is a mirror that creates a 3D clone of your body. The integrated computer scans your body to produce some 4GB of data, compresses it down to a 4MB 3D model, then sends it to a mobile application that lets you see the changes in your body over time, which can be motivating for those who are reaching for physical goals like weight loss, sports prowess, or body building. But the goal isn’t just to provide you with a deluge of fitness-related information; in the long term, the company hopes to help you buy clothes, aid in the production of furniture tailored to your body, and even provide a perfectly lifelike avatar for video games. The mirror sells for US$1,400.

Mashable, “This actual black mirror could help you lose weight.”