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MekaMon the battle bot

November 16, 2017.


MekaMon. © Reach Robotics.

MekaMons are four-legged battle bots that can be controlled with your smart phone. They can be upgraded, and come with detachable feet, shields and weapons. They’re equipped with four IR sensors, which allow them to take stock of the environment around them and follow and attack their enemies with precision. Each robot weighs about a kilogram, and measures 30x30x15 cm. It connects to a control app via Bluetooth, and communicates with other robots using infrared signals. The battery life is only one hour, which is definitely on the short side. MekaMons were created to fight, and the app allows for two different combat modes: as a single player, or against another robot. When playing the game by yourself, an AR feature creates virtual enemies to take on in battle. Even though your enemies exist only on screen, your robot will react like they’re the real thing. It’s much more satisfying, though, to see two MekaMons duke it out for real. The robot costs $300 USD, and is available through the Apple Store.

Circuit Breaker, “MekaMon is an AR robot that you control using your smartphone.”

Engadget, “MekaMon is an anime-styled battle bot you pilot with your phone.”