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Marvel in your phone

September 9, 2021.

Marvel Unlimited.

Marvel Unlimited. © Marvel Entertainment.

The Marvel Unlimited subscription service that lets you read as many Marvel comics online as you can handle got a rebranding with a new logo, an updated mobile app, a Netflix-style design, a better search function, and more. Along with the face-lift, Marvel announced a new feature: Infinity Comics, an exclusive line of comics specifically adapted to the phone’s vertical format. Twenty-seven comic strips are already available, and one hundred more are coming out before the end of the year. Currently, Infinity Comics is only available for Marvel Unlimited subscribers using iOS and Android apps, but the company is planning a web reader. Infinity Comics is completely in-universe so if you want to keep up with all the adventures of a superhero, you’ll have to read them.

The Marvel Unlimited service is priced at US$ 10 per month (or US$ 70 a year) and its catalog will slake the thirst of all Marvel fans with close to 29,000 comic strips. Note that there is a three-month embargo between a comic’s first paper printing and its release for subscribers in the app.

YouTube, “Discover the all-new, all-different Marvel Unlimited..”

The Verge, Chaim Gartenberg, “Marvel Unlimited relaunches with exclusive phone-optimized comics and a fresh new look.”
