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Home grocery store

June 27, 2018.


© Robomart.

Several companies, like Nuro, are working on autonomous delivery vehicles. But Robomart is turning the idea on its head by bringing the entire grocery store to your doorstep. In the promo video, the autonomous vehicle is equipped with shelves stocking fresh produce, but other types of products could easily be swapped out. With a press of a button on the dedicated app, consumers can summon the nearest Robomart, which travels to their home at a top speed of 40 km/h, or 25 mi/h. Then, the consumer can simply unlock the doors, pick the items they want, and close them again for the Robomart to trundle on to the next shopper. The mobile app keeps track of what items were picked, and bills the customer electronically. Ars Technica’s writer comments on how the rise of autonomous vehicle technology creates space for experimentation with new business models. Regardless of whether this one will work, it is in any case fascinating.

Ars Technica, “Forget deliveries — this firm wants to bring a grocery store to your driveway.”