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Guardian XO exoskeleton

December 10, 2019.

Sarcos Guardian XO.

Sarcos Guardian XO.

Guardian XO. © Sarcos.

The Sarcos Guardian XO is a 24-degrees-of-freedom full-body robotic exoskeleton. While wearing it, a human can lift 200 pounds (90 kilograms) while feeling like they’re lifting just 10 lbs (4.5 kg). The Guardian XO is fully electrical and untethered with a runtime of 2 hours, and hot-swappable battery packs can keep it going for a full work day. It takes seconds to put on and take off, and Sarcos says new users can be trained to use the system in minutes. The amount of help that the exo gives you is easy to adjust; it’s got a graphical control panel on the left wrist. One Guardian XO costs USD100,000 per year to rent, and the company will be shipping its first batch of alpha units to customers (including both heavy industry and the U.S. military) in January.

YouTube, “Sarcos Guardian XO Powered Exosuit Demo.”

IEEE Spectrum, Evan Ackerman, “Sarcos demonstrates powered exosuit that gives workers super strength.”