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Farewell Pentium (and Celeron)

September 19, 2022.

Intel Pentium.

Pentium. © iStock.

A page turns on computing history. Intel announced that it is phasing out the Pentium and Celeron designations. Instead, the firm will use the generic term “Intel Processor” starting next year to signify all its entry-level processors that are less powerful than the Core series. The Pentium brand was launched in 1993 and applied to Intel’s flagship processors for nearly ten years, before Intel’s Core chips took its place. Celeron was introduced in 1998 for budget-friendly CPUs based on previous versions of the Pentium. Intel says that the purpose of retiring the Pentium and Celeron naming scheme and replacing it with Intel Processor is to streamline its lineup.

PC Gamer, Aaron Klotz, “Intel's retiring the Pentium: a chip brand so famous Weird Al once wrote a song about it.”
