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A robot photo album

October 20, 2018.

Atlas robot, Boston Dynamics.

Atlas (2013). © Boston Dynamics.

Just like we do, IEEE Spectrum magazine loves robots. Its team just launched a new web site featuring about 200 robots that aims to be a core reference for robotics enthusiasts. For each robot, you’ll find a description along with photos and even videos. The collection includes Unimate (1961), the first industrial robot, and Vector, Anki’s super-cute mini-robot that came out this year. Visitors are encouraged to grade the robots’ appearance, which generates a classification of the creepiest robots. IEEE Spectrum will regularly add to the collection, to maintain its preeminence on the topic. “It is great to see all those robots, photos and videos, organized in one place,” says Marc Raibert, CEO of Boston Dynamics and a robot legend. “A good way to keep track of what is going on.” And who knows, in a few generations, this website might serve as a family photo album for nostalgic robots in search of their roots, back when they still depended on humans.

Speaking of robotics, this video by Boston Dynamics got around the internet last week. If you missed it, here’s a fun dance choreographed on SpotMini:

IEEE Spectrum, “Explore the World’s Coolest Robots, All in One Place.”