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3D printed motorcycle

April 21, 2018.

S1000RR 3D.

BMW S1000RR 3D. © Visordown.

BBMW has unveiled a prototype motorcycle whose chassis and swingarm are entirely made by additive printing, using selective laser fusion. The company hasn’t yet released much information on this S1000RR Series motorcycle . The uber-futuristic and organic design of the chassis is unprecedented in the field and likely relies on topologic optimization, and shows the extent to which technology can influence design. BMW bought a HP Jet Fusion 3D printer in 2016, and has used 3D printing for several years to develop prototypes. Last year, the company introduced its i8 Roadster and Coupé vehicles, which will be available for sale sometime this year. These two vehicles feature 3D printed components in the commercial models, which is a first for the company. BMW has also announced a €10 million investment for a new additive manufacturing facility that’s set to open in Oberschleissheim, north of Munich, in 2019.

www.3ders.org, “BMW demos futuristic S1000RR motorcycle with 3D printed chassis and swingarm.”

Visordown, “BMW reveal 3D-printed S1000RR chassis.”