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Creating a Flash Kiosk: Team Architecture and Organisation

April 18, 2016.

BackgroundThe idea was to create an iPad-controled game on an advertising screen (kiosk). This type of project required the User Interface to be top-notch.Since the game involved animation and graphics, we chose Adobe’s Flash technology.Architecture and TeamThe project is based on three components:Therefore, our production team was made up of:


The idea was to create an iPad-controled game on an advertising screen (kiosk). This type of project required the User Interface to be top-notch.

Since the game involved animation and graphics, we chose Adobe’s Flash technology.

Architecture and Team

The project is based on three components:


Therefore, our production team was made up of:

  • 2 User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) designers,
  • 1 iOS developer for the iPad component,
  • 1 developer for the Game Engine component.

Interconnected Components = Interactive Team

Since the iPad and the Game Engine had to communicate wirelessly, logic dictated the use of a WiFi connection, turning the Game Engine into a de facto server (TCP Socket).

The “Display” is developed in Flash ActionScript 3. For it to connect to the Game Engine entity, we had several options:

  • Develop the Game Engine in ActionScript;
  • Communicate using pipes on file handles;
  • Develop a second TCP Socket.

We chose the third option, for the following reasons:

  1. Better separation between entities, for better workload distribution among team members.
  2. Greater flexibility in the use of Game Engine technology (C#, ASP, Python, PHP, NodeJS, …), and therefore in the type of developer needed.
  3. Interface homogeneity.
  4. Standard multiplatform link (some of our team members worked with OS X, others with Windows 7).
  5. Flexibility in the physical location and number of entities (ability to deal with more than one iPad concurrently, for example).

Here is the architecture design:


Creating a TCP client in Flash AS3

Here is an example of a TCP client:

import flash.net.Socket;

public class GameServer {

    private var mSocket: Socket = null;

    private function closeHandler(event: Event): void {
		trace("connection closed");

	private function connectHandler(event: Event): void {

	private function socketDataHandler(event: ProgressEvent): void  {
		trace("data rceived");

    public function GameServer(listener:IGameServerServices)
		mSocket = new Socket();
		mSocket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closeHandler);
		mSocket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler);
		mSocket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, socketDataHandler);
		mSocket.connect(CONFIG::SERVER, CONFIG::PORT);

Notice that Flash natively decodes the JSON format:

var json = JSON.parse("{\"test\"":true}"");

Looks simple at first glance, but take a second look: the server must answer a Flash request to authorize the connnection.

So, when Flash sends a “”, the server must respond with a “policy-file”. In this case, since the system is closed, the server sends back a very permissive configuration:

$contents = "\n";
$contents .= "   \n";
$contents .= "\n\0";

Don’t forget the “\0” at the end!

The Game Engine

As explained above, we had a wide choice of technologies. To keep things simple, we chose PHP.

Here is the “composer.json” description of the packages used:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "MyApp": "src"
    "require": {
        "cboden/ratchet": "0.3.*"

Notice that the PHP Game Engine is also responsible for responding to Flash (HTTP/GET) requests to load dynamic images.

Flash, an elegant solution to interact with the UI/UX team

An interesting lesson learned on this project was the way in which the UI/UX team was an integral part of the development phase.

Often, a UI/UX team studies a project, then supplies the assets used by the integrator, who bridges software development and graphics. This is constraining in the following ways:

  1. The integrator has to reproduce the designers’ work as well as possible, depending on the technology used.
  2. Since there is a difference between what the UI/UX team designs and what is actually integratable, the final result is not quite what it should be.
  3. Intermediaries limit creativity.

But that wasn’t a problem in this case! The UI team produced the actual Flash project directly, and their interaction with code was limited to a couple of “movieClip.play()” and “movieClip.stop()” lines here and there.

The UI integration phase was reduced to a bare minimum, and it was great to see the interface constantly improving with every stroke of inspiration of the designers, long after the developers had completely finished coding.