Looking to integrate AI solutions into your systems?
Background … As a hands-on IT director in a mid-sized company like mine, I have to come to terms with the fact that some users are bound to use Apple products and that they are most likely going to end up asking for our help. Given this fact, we…
Spiria employees are encouraged to spend some time at work on pet projects that support skills development. One of these projects, dreamt up by developer Marc Tesson, was to pilot a radio-controlled boat through an Android application. A team of…
Ashley has type 1 diabetes. Like more and more patients, she decided to take charge of her future rather than wait for solutions from the health industry. Thanks to technology and the open source movement, it is now possible to “hack” your disease:
The blockchain is a technology based on shared, decentralized ledgers. A ledger is a list of transactions that are copied and saved on several different computers, rather than centralized on a single server. Each transaction (or group of…
ConuHacks is a yearly event that takes place at Concordia University, in downtown Montréal (Québec). This 24-hour hackathon is an opportunity for more than 650 students from all over North America to excel by working together, and to meet industry…
Bitcoin is a very secure and stable crypto-currency; no wonder it’s been dubbed “Virtual Gold”. But when it comes to everyday transactions, it’s too slow and expensive, and can only process around 10 transactions per second. Many other…
New beginnings are ripe for predictions, and as another year draws to a close, let’s look to see what experts and analysts foresee for the year ahead. Moving beyond the all-pervasive “artificial intelligence” and the “Internet of Things,” here are…
How does Elon Musk find time to sleep? In 2017, while at the helm of both Tesla and Space X, Musk unveiled a prototype for an electric semi-truck that’s set to revolutionize the transportation industry, he presented a rocket that could take…
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