How to install and use Ubuntu Bash on Windows 10

Since the Windows 10 Anniversary update, and thanks to an agreement between Microsoft and Canonical, it is now possible to install Ubuntu directly, free of virtual machines and containers.It’s actually very easy. Just follow these simple steps to configure:Go to Windows Settings (Windows+i), then choose Update & security.
Since the Windows 10 Anniversary update, and thanks to an agreement between Microsoft and Canonical, it is now possible to install Ubuntu directly, free of virtual machines and containers.
It’s actually very easy. Just follow these simple steps to configure:
Go to Windows Settings (Windows+i), then choose Update & security.
Under For developers, activate Developer mode:
Then you have to activate the Windows Subsystem for Linux. In the search bar, type “features” to find the Programs and Features control panel:
Under Programs and Features, click on Turn Windows features on or off:
Then check Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta):
Once the Linux sub-system is activated, restart your PC.
In the search bar, type “bash” and select the bash command (be careful not to start Git Bash instead).
Type “y” in the bash to start installing tools. Once this is done, the system will ask you to enter a Linux username and password.
You can now access Ubuntu directly from Windows, without going through a virtual machine or container.