Looking to integrate AI solutions into your systems?
Migrating a database to the cloud is an increasingly popular option for organizations looking to improve their data management and reduce costs.
Understanding artificial intelligence (AI) is not easy: the myths and inaccuracies about it are rife. However, since AI is bound to become a part of our daily lives, we, as business decision makers, politicians, activists, or consumers, must learn…
Smartphone applications are all the rage. They make up an ecosystem onto themselves, constantly offering something new to meet our every need, from entertainment to communication, and from cooking to investing.
Do you need to come up with a mobile app that delivers a range of content for your company? Are you tasked with setting up the online store? Whatever the case may be, here are six go-to platforms to build iOS or Android mobile apps.
Too many people think of Agile as nothing more than Scrum and a bunch of rituals. But perform a rite and lose sight of its purpose, and you’ll end up far from Agile.
New beginnings are ripe for predictions, and as another year draws to a close, let’s look to see what experts and analysts foresee for the year ahead. Moving beyond the all-pervasive “artificial intelligence” and the “Internet of Things,” here are…
How does Elon Musk find time to sleep? In 2017, while at the helm of both Tesla and Space X, Musk unveiled a prototype for an electric semi-truck that’s set to revolutionize the transportation industry, he presented a rocket that could take…
Recently, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, gave a talk to the US National Governors Association. The Governors were less impressed by his companies’ technological prowess than by his alarmist message about artificial intelligence. Over the years…
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