Looking to integrate AI solutions into your systems?
Understanding artificial intelligence (AI) is not easy: the myths and inaccuracies about it are rife. However, since AI is bound to become a part of our daily lives, we, as business decision makers, politicians, activists, or consumers, must learn…
The first step in our ML process consists in determining what we want to predict. Once this is established, our second step is “data preparation”. Data preparation, together with features engineering, accounts for most of our ML processing time.
Machine Learning (ML) is used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as in Analytics and Data Science. There are three types of machine learning: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning. Supervised Learning: With…
In this article, June from Spiria Toronto explains the basics of facial recognition using the principal component analysis method.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that artificial intelligence will be the great revolution of our century. AI stands at the crossroads of technology, ethics, morality, and the human factor. And that’s what makes it so fascinating.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its underlying code are now ubiquitous. It is all too easy to become disoriented in this vast field of research that lies at the crossroads of neuroscience, computer science and mathematics. AI algorithms are…
Deep Learning is capturing the imagination of programmers and stimulating their creativity, particularly in the fields of image and sound processing. Here are seven especially exciting applications, some of which are milestones in the history of…
Geoffrey Hinton, a major figure in the history of deep learning, introduced a completely new type of neural network. This did not fail to arouse the curiosity and enthusiasm of the artificial intelligence research community. Capsule networks will…
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